Google Classroom

Google Classroom Teacher Skills

This document, originally designed for teacher PD in RSU 2, provides enough information for any teacher getting started in Google Classroom to understand the basics. Note that each skill or task has links to one or more tutorials.

Google Classroom - RSU 2 Teacher Proficiencies
Google Classroom: Setting up a New Course

Create Classes for a New Semester

Use this checklist to get your settings in order when setting up new classes.

Find an Archived Class

On your main classes page, select the hamburger menu to find archived classes at the bottom of the list.

Closing the Door on Your Google Classrooms

Closing Out Classroom at

Additional Resources:

Tech Advocate's Google Classroom Tips

Google's Google Classroom support page

Common Sense Media's Teacher's Essential Guide to Google Classroom

Archive a Class

At your main classes page, click on the menu for a class and select "archive"